I.P.Ganin, S.L.Shishkin, A.Y.Kaplan. A P300-based brain-computer interface with stimuli on moving objects: four-session single-trial and triple-trial tests with a game-like task design. PLOS ONE. 2013. 8(10): e77755. [ HTML ]
A.Y.Kaplan, S.L.Shishkin, I.P.Ganin, I.A.Basyul, A.Y.Zhigalov. Adapting the P300-based brain-computer interface for gaming: a review.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (Special Issue on Brain/Neuronal-Computer Games Interfaces and
Interaction). 2013. 5(2): 141-149. [ DOI: 10.1109/TCIAIG.2012.2237517 ] [ PDF ] [ Top accessed ]
Shishkin S.L., Fedorova A.A., Nuzhdin Y.O., Ganin I.P., Ossadtchi A.E., Velichkovsky B.B., Kaplan A.Y., Velichkovsky B.M. Toward high-speed eye-brain-computer interfaces: combining the "single-stimulus" paradigm and saccades. Herald of Moscow University. Series 14: Psychology. 2013. No. 4. Pp. 4-19. (In Russian.)
Шишкин С.Л., Федорова А.А., Нуждин Ю.О., Ганин И.П., Осадчий А.Е., Величковский Б.Б., Каплан А.Я., Величковский Б.М. На пути к высокоскоростным интерфейсам глаз-мозг-компьютер: сочетание «одностимульной» парадигмы и перевода взгляда. Вестник Московского университета. Серия 14: Психология. 2013. № 4. С. 4-19. [ PDF ]
Kaplan A.Y., Kochetova A.G., Shishkin S.L., Basyul I.A., Ganin I.P., Vasilyev A.N., Liburkina S.P. Experimental and theoretical foundations and practical implementation of brain-computer interface technology. Bulletin of Siberian medicine. 2013. 12(2): 21-29. (In Russian.)
Каплан А.Я., Кочетова А.Г., Шишкин С.Л., Басюл И.А., Ганин И.П.,
Васильев А.Н., Либуркина С.П. Экспериментально-теоретические основания и
практические реализации технологии «интерфейс мозг – компьютер».
Бюллетень сибирской медицины. 2013. 12(2): 21-29. [ PDF ]
И.П.Ганин, С.Л.Шишкин, А.Г.Кочетова, А.Я.Каплан. Интерфейс мозг-компьютер “на волне P300”: исследование эффекта номера стимулов в последовательности их предъявления. Физиология человека. 2012;38(2):5-13. [ PDF ]
English version: I.P.Ganin, S.L.Shishkin, A.G.Kochetova, A.Ya.Kaplan. P300-based brain-computer interface: The effect of the stimulus position in a stimulus train. Human Physiology. 2012;38(2):121-128. [ DOI: 10.1134/S0362119712020041 ]
[ PDF ]
Shishkin S.L., Ganin I.P., Kaplan A.Y. Event-related potentials in a moving matrix modification of the P300 brain–computer interface paradigm. Neuroscience Letters. 2011;496(2):95-99. [ DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2011.03.089 ] [ PDF ]
Shishkin S.L., Ganin I.P., Basyul I.A., Zhigalov A.Y., Kaplan A.Y. N1 wave in the P300 BCI is not sensitive to the physical characteristics of stimuli. J Integr Neurosci. 2009 Dec;8(4):471-85. [ DOI: 10.1142/S0219635209002320 ] [ PDF ]
Selected BCI-related papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Shishkin S.L., Nuzhdin Y.O., Svirin E.P., Fedorova A.A., Slobodskoy-Plusnin Y.Y., Trofimov A.G., Vasilyevskaia A.M., Velichkovsky B.M. Toward a fluent eye-brain-computer interface: EEG negativity marks visual fixations used to control a game. 7th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (IEEE/EMBS NER2015) (accepted). [ Abstract ]
Fedorova A.A., Shishkin S.L., Nuzhdin Y.O., Velichkovsky B.M. Gaze based robot control: The communicative approach. 7th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (IEEE/EMBS NER2015) (accepted). [ Abstract ]
Shishkin S.L., Vigasina K.D., Nuzhdin Y.O. How does the presence of non-target stimuli change the brain potentials in the P300-based brain switch paradigm? 7th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (IEEE/EMBS NER2015) (accepted). [ Abstract ]
Fedorova A.A., Shishkin S.L., Nuzhdin Y.O., Faskhiev M.N., Vasilyevskaya A.M., Ossadtchi A.E., Kaplan A.Y., Velichkovsky B.M. A fast "single-stimulus" brain switch. Proc. 6th Int. Brain-Computer Interface Conf. 2014 (Sept. 16-19, 2014, Graz University of Technology, Austria). Ed. by Gernot Muller-Putz et al. Graz, Verlag der Technischen Universitat Graz, 2014. Article ID 052. 4 pages. DOI: 10.3217/978-3-85125-378-8-52 [ PDF ]
Ganin I.P., Shishkin S.L., Kaplan A.Y. A P300 BCI with stimuli presented on moving objects. Proc. 5th Int. BCI Conf. 2011. (Sept. 22-24, 2011, Graz University of Technology, Austria) Pp. 308-311. [ PDF ]
Shishkin S.L., Nikolaev A.A., Nuzhdin Y.O., Zhigalov A.Y., Ganin I.P., Kaplan A.Y. Calibration of the P300 BCI with the single-stimulus protocol. Proc. 5th Int. BCI Conf. 2011. (Sept. 22-24, 2011, Graz University of Technology, Austria) Pp. 256-259. [ PDF ]
Shishkin S.L., Ganin I.P., Kaplan A.Y. [Your attention is pressing buttons! Can you become more attentive?] Proc. Conf. "Cognitive science in Moscow: new studies" (Moscow, June 16, 2011) P. 287-291. (In Russian)
Шишкин С.Л., Ганин И.П., Каплан А.Я. Ваше внимание жмет на кнопки! Сможете ли вы стать внимательнее? Сб. конф. «Когнитивная наука в Москве: новые исследования» (Москва, 16 июня 2011 г.) С. 287-291. [ PDF ]
Shishkin S.L., Ganin I.P., Nikolaev A.A., Kaplan A.Y. [Psychophysiological and computational prospects in the use of the N1 brain potential component for P300 wave based brain-computer interface.] Proc. All-Russian Conf. "Neuroinformatics-2011" (MEPhI, Jan. 24-28, 2011). P. 192-201. (In Russian)
Шишкин С.Л., Ганин И.П., Николаев А.А., Каплан А.Я. Психофизиологические и вычислительные перспективы использования компонента N1 мозговых потенциалов в интерфейсе мозг-компьютер «на волне P300». Труды всерос. конф. «Нейроинформатика-2011» (МИФИ, 24-28 января 2011 г.). С. 192-201. [ DOC ]
For earlier (non-BCI-related) publications, please see Sergei's old web page.
TV about BCI games developed at MSU Lab. for Neurophysiology and Neuro-Computer Interfaces with Sergei's participation (for details, see our BCI page (in Russian)):
The older BCI game
(Russia Today TV channel, in English)
The new BCI game -- the first P300 BCI with stimuli on moving objects
(Russia 2 TV channel, in Russian)